What Should I Do After a Construction Zone Accident in New Jersey?

Construction zones are often busy and dangerous. For example, lanes are blocked off, traffic may come to a slow crawl and debris from the site can create road hazards. Employees who work on these sites, as well as drivers, are at an increased risk for suffering severe injuries in a construction zone accident. In fact, construction zone crashes are on the rise. In 2015, more than 96,000 crashes occurred in construction zones. Many of these accidents resulted in serious and life-changing injuries, including tragic fatalities. If you have suffered an injury in a construction zone accident, then there are steps you can take immediately after the accident. These steps may have a significant impact on your ability to recover financial compensation. They include:

Step One: Call the Police

A police report is an important piece of evidence in any accident case, especially a construction zone accident. When the police arrive, give them a detailed and honest account of what happened. The police officer on the scene will investigate the accident and write a report about the crash. This may help your lawyer prove liability when filing a third-party claim.

Step Two: Seek Medical Help

You should always seek immediate medical attention when you know you are injured in an accident. If you are not sure that you are injured, because you may be in shock, then you should still seek medical help immediately. Not everyone knows they are hurt immediately at the scene of an accident. Some injuries can take hours or days to manifest themselves. For this reason, it is critical to get a medical evaluation and an accurate diagnosis of any injuries as soon as you know that you are hurt.

Medical documentation of injuries, if they were caused by an accident, is critical information your attorney will need to seek just compensation for you. Your medical report can be used as evidence to support your construction zone accident claim. Also, as a construction zone worker, this report may be used as evidence when seeking workers’ compensation benefits or filing a third-party claim.

Step Three: Gather Evidence

After calling the police and receiving medical attention, you should attempt to gather evidence (if you are able). Take pictures of the accident scene, along with any other important information that may be relevant to your case. For example, unsafe machinery and dangerous road debris are all examples of evidence that could help your lawyer when representing you after a crash. Also, if a negligent third party or subcontractor was responsible for your injuries, then you may find that you can file a third-party personal injury lawsuit.

Further, you can use your cell phone or ask someone who may have witnessed all or part of an accident or the aftermath to do so for you if you do not have a cell phone available. Ask them for their contact information so you can get the photos from them. Additionally, you can message them if you need them later on in the case.

Finally, do not forget to take pictures of the accident scene. You should also take pictures of your visible injuries when possible. This evidence will help prove what kinds of injuries the accident caused. It will also help you keep records of the damages you suffered.

Step Four: Notify Your Employer

Have you suffered an injury while on the job? If so, then you have a right to receive workers’ compensation. However, before collecting these benefits, you must notify your employer promptly when you suffer an injury. After doing this, your employer will then notify their insurance company of your accident.

Step Five: Consult With an Attorney

Since construction zone accidents are often complex, you will need an attorney to review the details surrounding your accident. He or she will determine if you can file a personal injury claim or a workers’ compensation claim, if the accident occurred while you were working. Many workers’ compensation law firms offer a free consultation, so schedule one as soon as possible after an accident.

Contact Our Workers’ Comp Lawyers in New Jersey

Were you hurt in a construction zone accident in New Jersey while on the job? At Rosner Law Offices, P.C., our New Jersey workers’ compensation lawyers understand that injured construction workers often do not get the help they need after a work accident. Call us today at (856) 502-1655 or fill out our confidential contact form for more information. You can also text us your information for a quick response. We offer a free consultation and review so you can examine all of your legal options carefully.

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