Parking Lot Accidents

Parking Lot Accident

According to the National Safety Council, two out of three drivers drive distracted through parking lots.  All too often, drivers somehow feel the dangers present on the roads is somehow lessened in parking lots.   However, over 50,000 crashes occur each year in parking garages and parking lots.  Parking lot accidents result in more than 500 deaths and over 60,000 injuries each year in the United States alone.  In a poll conducted by the National Safety Council, some alarming statistics came to light.

  • 63 % of drivers admit to programming their GPS while driving through parking lots;
  • 52 % of drivers admit to using social media while driving through parking lots;
  • 50 % of drivers admit to sending or receiving emails while driving through parking lots;
  • 49 % of drivers admit to taking photos or watching videos while driving through parking lots;
  • 43 % of drivers admit to using a smartwatch while driving through parking lots;
  • 43 % of drivers admit to surfing the internet while driving through parking lots; and
  • 42 % of drivers admit to engaging in a video chat while driving through parking lots.

Pedestrians, Vehicles, and Parking Lot Accidents

51 % of all parking lot accident fatalities occur when drivers are backing up.  Further, thousands of pedestrians suffer injuries such as broken bones, tissue damage, and spinal cord injuries due to the actions of distracted drivers.  The National Safety Council encourages drivers to conduct a quick, 360degree walk around their vehicle before backing up.  Drivers are also encouraged to look over their shoulder and use mirrors before and while backing up, rather than relying exclusively on technology such as a reverse view video camera.

Pedestrians and Other Parking Lot Pitfalls

Pedestrians aren’t just in danger of being hit by a distracted driver.  The National Safety Council warns of other dangers which could lead to parking lot accidents.  For example, they cited the following dangers:

  • Inadequate pavement striping;
  • Potholes;
  • Cracks in the pavement;
  • Lack of signage;
  • Debris on the pavement;
  • Poor lighting;
  • Puddles;
  • Snow; and
  • Ice.

Slips, trips, and falls are common types of parking lot accidents.  These can lead to pedestrian injuries and even death.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports falls are the leading cause of both injury and death in older Americans.  In fact, in the United States alone, an older adult has a significant fall once every second of every single day.

Pedestrian Safety and Parking Lot Accidents

Just as drivers are more likely distracted today, distracted walking is also on the rise.  Pedestrian fatalities in 2016 increased by 9 % over 2015 pedestrian fatalities.  Experts put the blame, in part, on cell phones.  Experts advise putting your cell phone down and keeping your head up while walking through the parking lot.  Be alert.  Never assume a car is going to stop for you, or that a driver sees you.

If You Have Been Injured in a Parking Lot Accident

Whether you were injured while in a car, as a pedestrian in a vehicle accident, or you fell and injured yourself, you have rights. Contact the lawyers at Rosner Law Offices, P.C. at (856) 502-1655 for a free consultation.  We are happy to meet with you and discuss your case. Even if you were the victim of a hit-and-run accident, we may be able to recover from your injuries.

Additional Reading

A Primer on New Jersey’s No Fault Automobile Accident Law

How to Avoid a Pedestrian Accident

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